Jonathan I am sorry its taken me so long to come here, I just wanted to keep our secrets between us, but this journey has brought me to this moment of realization and I wanted to express it so that I could understand it. Remember when we talked about how the eyes are the windows to the soul and if you really want to know someone you look deep into their eyes, well now I am telling you that when I cry my soul is melting and it leaves an emptiness but beyond that emptiness is a search a longing to once again live what we wanted to live. Our love and our time together on this dimension was meant to be, it was Gods intention as was everything else, but every aspect of it fit together so well, over a period of a year a big bang occured in my life and I tell you that I realize how beautiful that creation was.I realize that our love was a beginning! It was a beginning for you to find peace, I know that I might not have been at your bedside BUT TELLY WAS, and just saying that gives me chills. I wasn't meant to be there she was, but the journey doesnt end there oh no it is also a beginning for me, our love made the whole world finally make sense to me, and funny thing I can FEEL, and HEAR, and SENSE all that you are around me, I can never express in words to anyone what this experience has been like but I know that you know, and now you know everything, I would give anything to have one more moment with you, one more chance to look deep into your soul, behind that tall, strong exterior was a soul too beautiful for this world, a soul that is on to its next adventure. Jonathan you really are Superman now arent you, I see your work everywhere, I cant wait to see you again, I cant wait for you to tell me about all those adventures like you used to tell me about the ones you had here. I will call upon you when I need that reminder and I know you will show me, but I love you for ALL that you are, and this is all that I needed. I LOVE YOU..Naz