Well Jonathan you are being greatly missed as you can definatly see by everyones messages. So beings this week we celebrated Veteran's Day I thought I would tell you a little story about your little cousin Sarah. This week she had to write a small paper on why we celebrate Veteran's Day. She asked my to explain to her the reason, so I proceeded to tell her it was about honoring the men and women who protect our country and who have fought in wars, then suddenly she gave me the strangest look mid-sentence and I asked if something was wrong and then very sweetly she said "Mommy isn't that what Jonathan did", of course I had to fight back tears on that one, then what was next was even more shocking to me, she said "maybe I should take one of our pictures of him in his fancy clothes(your uniform) to my class to show them why we celebrate Veteran's Day." So next we wrote a little paper about you to be read in class during at sharing time. Sarah came home from school she had this happy little smile and could not wait to tell me that her teacher read what we wrote to the class and showed your picture and she said it almost made the teacher cry and of course all the kids she said now the kids know what Veterans look like. Jonathan I know you'll never know how many lives you touch and how many people looked up to you, but know you know that what you have given us all was amazing and will live on. For now an innocent group of 2nd graders and one proud little cousin all have a new understand of why we here in America celebrate Veteran's Day. Jonathan you are hero to more than you could ever imagine. Thank you. love Tina