Marjam Farahvash 11th November 2007

Jonathan, once again I have to say goodbye...there were way too many goodbyes in the last few month and who knew that one of them will a goodbye forever? Standing by your grave and saying goodbye to you was the hardest thing I ever did in my whole life. Schatzi, I am going back to Germany in a few hours. Back to the country where I met you...back to where our love began. Thank you for giving me the best time of my life. Thank you for loving me like you did. I am trying to leave a part of my broken heart here in the states...but I know that I will absolutely break down when I'm back. I was so afraid of this day to come and now it is time to go. How can my life go on without you??? I can't imagine how life should be without my sweet homie. The last 30month where just about you and me and our future. But now my future is in heaven and I have to find my own way. I send Mom and Dad something very special today and even though I know that it will bring tears to their eyes...they will be happy to have it. While I am writing this I am listening to our song...and yes baby...we belong together. Forever yours Marjam