There was a day that "Mo" was down and out and I was thinking of Jonathan with all of my heart. And thoughts poored from my hands for his mother. And this is what it said. (Linda always told me I have the gift of discernment. Spiritual discernment is the skill of separating divine truth from error.) "Please tell her that I came to her in her dream to tell her to take a leap of faith. To face her problems head on. She is in so much tourmoil in her daily life. To go and be happy. I am with her always and I wanted her to see me briefly because I didn’t want her to elaborate too much on the fact that she was seeing me. She made me so happy. Tell her to take my hand. Tell her that her baby boy is with her in every prayer . Her prayers are strong and her faith is strong. She has to know that this is what it was meant to be. That I did what I was suppose to do in life. My life was fulfilled totally. My love for everyone was genuine and my love for my family was genuine.Tell her that I love her and that I will come to her in a dream real soon and It will be more beautiful than ever. She is my mother." It is such a beautiful thought. Straight to the point, like he always was. LOL! I hope you find great joy in this Linda. And I pray that God will allow me to receive this gift always.